Thursday, July 24, 2014

Hawaiian Themed Birthday Party

Sugar Pea has always loved everything hula and plumeria. She has always been in love with "Lilo & Stitch", watched intently at hula performances, and even now loves that we have our very own hula dancer at church! This was her second birthday party in Vegas. We were only missing her one Aunt. That is an awesome turn out. 

I had these high visions of doing those pineapple palm trees that failed miserably the morning of the party. We did however have amazing food from L&L Hawaiian BBQ and the cake pops were made by Caked in Vegas. They got me on the cake pop band wagon because I do not like to waste cupcakes. Inevitably, you have guests {especially parents} that claim to be on a diet so they don't want a big piece of cake or a whole cupcake. The photography was by the amazing Vik Chohan Photography. He did a few other things for me - loved them all. 

Here's my Sugar Pea on the day of her party! I made the grass skirt inspired tutu, found the bathing suit at Gymboree, and tossed up her hair with a plumeria flower. She had a special pink Lei with pink sparkles in it, plus her very on cupcake.

The cake pops were shaped and sculpted like crabs, turtles, flip flops, flowers and some plain water. Caked also decorated this platter for me so I didn't have to! {The cupcakes behind were gluten free for my good friend's family that came. I made those - they're simple!}

I made all of the above {paper wise}, The sand pails were decorated with each child's name and a flower for the girls with a surfboard for the boys. The "Aloha" banner was used as the basis for our group photos. The Umbrella wreath took me about 3 hours to do - but was worth it. Then I hung some lanterns over my island where we served the food.

This is my family {minus my sister}. It is the first time we've all been together in such a long time. They got to meet Sweet Pea {I'm holding} for the first time. We had such a good time celebrating Sugar Pea turning 2!

Do you have a party that you would like featured where you used our products? Please email Ashley about 10 photos at Be as detailed as possible and include any recognition to businesses along with their websites. Whether it's Facebook, www, or Twitter. If you also have any questions, please contact us! We love designing new things!

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