Thursday, August 21, 2014

Contact Us

Hi Pea Fans!

We are fresh out of parties to share right now (but will be back at it in September), but there are a few other things you can do to find out what we're doing from week to week and how to get in touch with us.

  • Visit our Etsy shop and "Favorite" us {you can click on the white box at the very top of the page}
  • "Like" us on Facebook to find out about specials, new creations, and products. 
  • Follow our board on Pinterest 
  • Email us at morepeasplease{@}
  • Message us on Facebook
  • Message us on Etsy
We love to custom design things so make sure that you allow enough time for us to work our design magic and mail the items to you before it's too late. Most of our products take a week from start to finish. 

We are enjoying creating in the mean time and will be back with a special "Sports Fans" edition of MPP blog post in September. We hope everyone is enjoying their summer and Back-To-School times!! 

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